Handbook_Volume III

24 Bibliografia 1. Jacobson LO, Marks EK, Robson MJ, Gaston EO, Zirkle RE: Effect of spleen protection on mortality following X irradiation. J Lab Clin Med, 1949, 34:1538. 2. Lorenz E, Uphoff D, Reid TR, Shelton E: Modification of irradiation injury in mice and guinea pigs by bone marrow injections. J Natl Cancer Inst, 1951, 12:197-201. 3. Barnes DWH, Loutit JF: What is the recovery factor in spleen? Nucleonics, 1954, 12: 68. 4. Main JM, Prehn RT: Successful skin homografts after the administration of high dosage X radiation and homologous bone marrow. J Natl Cancer Inst, 1955, 15:1023-9. 5. Ford CE, Hamerton JL, Barnes DWH, Loutit JF: Cytological identification of radiation-chimaeras. Nature, 1956, 177: 452-4. 6. Barnes DWH, Corp MJ, Loutit JF, Neal FE: Treatment of murine leukaemia with X rays and homologous bone marrow. Preliminary communication. Br Med J, 1956, 2: 626-7. 7. 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